The Orchestra of St John, Bromsgrove - Home page
The Orchestra of St John is a community-based orchestra, which performs great music from the baroque, classical, romantic and modern periods mainly in the wonderful acoustic of St John's Church in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

It provides high-quality musical experiences for its followers and extends St John's long tradition of music-making, and to satisfy the local need for classical music of the highest standard. Players are selected on an 'invitation-only' basis.

Under the direction of the professional conductor and music director, Richard Jenkinson, the Orchestra of St John is a satisfying musical enterprise, which creates opportunities for local talented players and singers to entertain enthusiastic audiences drawn from Bromsgrove and the surrounding region.

In 2013, during its early years, the orchestra was the proud winner of 'The Most Promising Newcomer Award' in the 'Spirit of Bromsgrove Awards'.

"Local music-making at its very best"
Maggie Cotton, Birmingham Post, July 2012